Instagram sends a direct message to Snapchat’s users


I don’t know about you but I am tired of writing and especially reading, blogs with the same narrative, but here I am doing it again.

Instagram has copied Snapchat… and if I had a penny for every time I have read about this topic I would have at least 3p, and 50p if you included Instagrams brothers and sisters.


I know what a shocker, and I hope you like GIF’s because there is going to be a lot of them!

Ok, here we go…

Instagram has revamped (blatantly copied) its direct messaging feature, offering it’s 350mil or so users the ability to send private multimedia messages (aka Snapchats) to each other.

So, if you see disappearing photos and videos in your inbox, don’t be scared you’re not having a minor aneurysm, you are still on Instagram.

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So what does this mean for the social media underdog Snapchat?

Well for the moment, Snapchat is fending off the social media giant Facebook and its minions Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. But how long can the David last against it’s Goliath opponent?

Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time before Snapchat realises the damage that Facebook copycatting is doing to their current user base, and future growth.

Snapchat’s already feeling the pinch with user’s and neglected influencers jumping ship to Instagram stories, a prime example of how Facebook can out-execute Snapchat in performance and audience composition.

Mark Zuckerburg is trying to strip Snapchat of everything that makes it unique, but Snapchat are innovators and it still has a strong dedicated user base that aren’t into gym, yoga and food porn images.

Let’s just hope this isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back (couldn’t resist one more!)

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