June 15, 2016
There have been massive changes in the Twittersphere this month with the arrival of Twitter’s new block feature wiping out unwanted users and the character count updates.
We all thought removing photos and usernames from the Twitter character count was the cherry on top, but recently Twitter announced a new feature adding more value to tweets. The social network has given users the ability to retweet their own posts, allowing them to share tweets that have already appeared in followers’ timelines.
To avoid clogging up timelines with the same message, Twitter has limited users to only retweeting once. Good idea? I’ll leave you to decide.
Twitter’s post shared this week takes the view of sharing your old favourites but something tells me that’s not the direction our users will go. On a positive note, you can now retweet yourself when no one else will.
Gone are the days of pasting old tweet URLs into new tweets. The new feature enables users to easily quote-tweet themselves adding more value to the original tweet. This is a great resource when sharing key takeaways from an event, adding more information around a content asset and giving your opinion on an article or blog.
Adding to Twitter’s long list of exciting updates, the new block feature will wipe users off the map by preventing blocked users from seeing a person’s tweet and showing up in the blocker’s timeline.
Twitter’s co-found Jack Dorsey says “One of the biggest priorities for this year is to refine our product and make it simpler”.