Get ears on your new podcast

Podcast listenership in the UK reached an estimated 15.6 million listeners in 2020. And as brands continue to see opportunity in reaching audiences and building communities through this interactive format, there’s no sign of it slowing down any time soon.

But working with an audio-only asset comes with its challenges. How do you capture audience attention both visually and auditorily? We’ve put together a social media asset cheat sheet to give you some inspiration:



Audiograms combine images, audio and transcripts to make your podcast stand out. They can feature key soundbites from the episode, highlighting the speaker and message in one place. Pro: effective, all-encompassing creative. Con: timely and resource-heavy.

Quote card:

Quote cards can be featured as a still or an animation, and are a great format for getting key messages to your audience quickly. Pro:

simple, straightforward design. Con: standard format that could get lost in feed.

Video promotion:

Use speaker video entries to promote the podcast before and after the episode airs. This format requires minimal design time and leverages the presenter’s social media audiences to help extend reach. Pro: a low-cost asset with minimal design requirements. Con: relies on speaker participation. 

Episode screengrab:

When in doubt, keep it simple! Give your audiences the rundown of your upcoming podcast with a simple screen grab of the episode imagery and description. Pro: easy, quick and effective. Con: lower quality, may not fit with brand look/feel

Video recordings:

There’s no easier way to make your podcast visual than to document the recording of it over video. This post-event format provides audiences with a new format to experience your podcast. Pro: allows you to repurpose and reuse your podcast for extended use. Con: depending on equipment, could result in lower-quality output.

Let us know if you need help promoting your new podcast on social media. And for more social media tricks and tips, subscribe to the IF podcast.

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