So you wanna create stickers?!

The first thing you want to do is to create a cool animated gif! 

If you’re anything like me, you love a good bit of animated text.  All those colours and fonts and sparkles and… Sorry, where was I? 

Ah yes, creating your own animated stickers for Instagram. 

Step 1

Design your animation!  This could be as simple as emoji eyes blinking, or text appearing in a fun way.  My personal favourite way to do this is to use After Effects, however, depending on your own styles you could easily do cute hand drawn animation in Procreate or Photoshop.  

Oh look, here’s something I made earlier ✨

Step 2

EXPORT! Save out your amazing animation as a gif.

This is a little convoluted in After Effects as you need to save your gif out as a mov file  with alpha (you must have it on a transparent background) and then take it into Photoshop to save [for web] as a gif 😭 – in this day and age, Adobe, I BEG OF YOU allow alpha gif exports in Media Encoder 😭

ANYWAY, you’ll end up with something like this;

Step 3

Nearly there, I promise!

Create an account on Giphyand upload your sticker there, and add all the relevant tags – once you’ve uploaded 5 stickers you can then apply for verification as an artist (or brand).

AAANNNND that’s pretty much it! Once verified you’ll be able to find all your awesome gifs on IG Stories. 

Stickers can really make your stories pop and create more engagement, and now you have the added satisfaction of knowing that YOU, YES YOU, created that cool sticker that other people can also use in their own stories!

Here’s a little look at a sticker we created for one of our clients:

Cute right? Just think of all the sticker possibilities we could do for you 😉

Get in touch now

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