The best of #xmasjumperday – social media celebrates

Happy #xmasjumper day everyone.  In the IF offices this week we have already seen some fairly horrific Christmas jumpers and no doubt it’s similar in offices all over the land…

xmasjumperTwitter trend

According to Topsy, recently acquired by Apple, there have already been over 15,000 tweets across the 2 trending jumper day hastags.  Since we have tipped over in December the average has leapt to several thousand mentions a day across a plethora of  hashtags and general mentions.

As of 9.30 am this morning, here are the volumes of conversation over the last month (as provided by Topsy):



Outside of hashtags, there has been 24,768 uses  of  “xmas jumper” and 144,336 uses of “christmas jumper” in the last month, phew…

But enough of the numbers, they are not what everyone wants to see, here are some of the best (or worst, depending how you look at it) Christmas jumpers that social media has to offer:

This guy looks like a right pudding! (all in the spirit of charity!)

Great group effort!

It wouldn’t be social media without a cat picture…

@virginmedia – very on brand…

This is just fantastic…

Our very own Matt Hope, took it the extra mile with flashy lights. You will just have to trust us and believe that it was pretty special…


Hook @IFTweeter into your #xmasjumper efforts and we will get you on here too if they catch our eye! Merry Christmas everyone…

Tweet: Get me on the blog @IFtweeter #xmasjumperday

© Twitter, and analytics taken from Topsy

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