September 24, 2012
The B2Bs in the Social Marketing Universe
Using social media for business is no longer a new or strange concept. Although some businesses have been slow to grasp the full value of social media for B2B marketing.
Last week Facebook announced it was awarding 12 of the best social marketing tool and service providers with a new “Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer” distinction. This title aids B2B marketers in deciding who to partner with when running campaigns for Facebook and offering new marketing opportunities for businesses. The sPMD distinction will allow those who invest money to spend on these services to make the right choices. Read more on that here
Social media is one of the best ways to get your brand out there, however great campaigns can be executed simply with know how. This great infographic by Marketo displays the anatomy of a successful social media campaign. The infographic re-iterates the fundamental factors of generating a successful campaign such as using effective SEO strategies to make content easy to find organically, using creating visual content, sharing content and engaging with your followers, as well as keeping check of analytics to refine and improve your social media marketing strategies.
Furthermore social media is constantly developing and expanding. An interesting article by Inge van Eetveldt looks at five areas in which social media is developing, such as social media and email integration and social media presence via mobiles. “On these interactive platforms consumers are able to make a significant brand impact — especially when the innately viral nature of social media is taken into account (
Waitrose backlash
However be careful, with every successful and brilliant campaign there is one that just misses the mark. For example, Waitrose last week saw a backlash in its latest venture into social media. The brands high class reputation was made fun of on twitter after they asked shoppers to complete the sentence ‘I shop at Waitrose because….’, causing a satirical reactions such as I shop at Waitrose because Clarissa’s pony just WILL NOT eat ASDA Value straw and and I shop at Waitrose because the butler’s on holiday. Although the brand however has taken these tweets in good humour it is important to understand the potential backlash of not getting a campaign right.
Until next time…