Tiktok Insights

Tiktok is booming. It is projected to reach 1.5 billion users this year and this growth shows no sign of abating. A recent study shows that it is taking up more and more of people’s time as well. With all this in mind, now might be a good time to brush up on what makes the platform unique and use that knowledge to tailor the content you make specifically for the platform.

Today we’ll be looking at an infographic that is based on a report that has come straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

Some interesting insights from the infographic below include:

54 % of Tiktok audience say ‘this brand is for me’ after seeing a combination of a brand’s organic content and paid ads – This is interesting because we tend to think of organic and paid content as two separate streams of content, but actually, from an audience perspective they tend to work in concert.

64% of Tiktok users say they would purchase a brand after seeing organic content and a paid ad from that brand- Again we are seeing that frequency is key – not overwhelming the audience, but strategically reminding them of your brand.

79% of Tiktok audience members agree that Tiktok is a place where brands can express their personality – here at IF we see time and time again that the most polished content doesn’t always perform the best – it’s the stuff that shows the company’s personality or has a bit of humour or flair that does the best.

You can read more marketing insights over at the Tiktok for business blog here.

If you ever want to get in touch about sharing insights or tips for marketing on Tiktok, or just to have a friendly chat about social media we’re all ears. You can find our contact details on the immediate future website

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