February 11, 2013
For most digital marketers nowadays, running and managing social media campaigns is an everyday task. In general, there’s less nervousness around kicking off social media promotions, simply because we’re used to it. Nonchalance, however, is a dangerous state to fall into when it comes to social. This is why I want to share this infographic titled ‘Biggest moments in social media marketing – 2012’s Wins & Fails’, courtesy of MBA in Marketing Degree Guide – I think you’ll find some of the failures even more ‘impressive’ let’s say, than the successes.
With all the largest social media platforms flourishing and user stats continuing to rocket, the scope for disaster continues to grow. You’ll see that it took the #McDStories hashtag crisis only 2 hours to peak!
The speed with which social media campaigns can take off or crash around you is now only a matter of minutes. This is why all eventualities need to be fully thought out, before you press the Go button to set your latest campaign live. Don’t be blasé about your marketing campaigns, just because you’ve ran many before. Everyone needs a crisis plan in place.
It’s not all doom and gloom however. The examples of social media success illustrate how well-thought out campaigns have the potential to go viral, earning great awareness and engagement for your brand.
It’s all in the planning. Enjoy the list of successes and failures, with examples from Kitchen Aid, Honda and American Apparel, amongst others.
Infographic courtesy of MBA in Marketing, Brand wins and fails in social media (infographic), Socialmedia.biz