Twitter Providing the Option to Hide Replies


Sometimes people reply to your Tweets about things you don’t want to see. And sometimes you just don’t want any replies to be seen at all. So, to help, Twitter has been testing out a new feature that lets you do just that. After launching an initial test for users in Canada, the platform has announced that this experiment will be brought over to Japan and the US.



This process enables you to hide any reply to your Tweet, giving you control on how your conversations are presented. However, users will still have the ability to view any hidden reply – they’ll just have to click on the button to do so.


The test has shown positive signs among Canadian users – as explained by Twitter:

“Based on our research and surveys we conducted, we saw a lot of positive trends during our initial test in Canada, including:

  • People mostly hide replies that they think are irrelevant, abusive or unintelligible. Those who used the tool thought it was a helpful way to control what they saw, similar to when keywords are muted.
  • We saw that people were more likely to reconsider their interactions when their Tweet was hidden: 27% of people who had their Tweets hidden said they would reconsider how they interact with others in the future.
  • People were concerned hiding someone’s reply could be misunderstood and potentially lead to confusion or frustration. As a result, now if you tap to hide a Tweet, we’ll check in with you to see if you also want to block that account.”


This option definitely seems like a step in the right direction. Rather than having to delete your own Tweets due to irrelevant responses, you can simply just hide them. Perfect!

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