What is social business? Top 3 social business infographics

As a social media consultancy, we find a lot of people ask us: what is social business? Here are our top 3 infographics to help you get your head into the idea of a social business. It should provide inspiration for your social media strategy!

1. Social business imperative

What is great about Michael Brito’s infographic is the idea of the fully collaborative social organisation, which includes a social media centre of excellence. Different departments and teams working together is the key to social business success and Brito’s diagram sums this up nicely.

The Social Business infographic created by Online MBA

2. Social business DNA

Mark Smiciklas shows how all areas of an organisation contribute to a social business by likening it to DNA structure. The key is in collaboration which Smiciklas shows here.

3. Social media strategy development

Sobizco makes some interesting points here about developing a social media strategy, for example set goals and monitoring. What’s interesting is that some of the key princples of social business success are also included. Listening and assessment, creating the right team and educating and training are key considerations when heading towards a social business. This will then help with your overall social media strategy planning and development.

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