Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022


As an independent business we are absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operations. This statement explains what steps we take to understand, reduce and remove the risks of these practices occurring.

It outlines what we do to:

  • Understand potential modern slavery risks related to our business
  • Tackle slavery and human trafficking in our business and its supply chains

This statement relates to actions taken during the previous financial year 2021 and during the current financial year (2022).

Our Organisation

Founded in 2004, Immediate Future Ltd is an independently owned social media marketing agency. Working with global brands from our head office in the UK.

Our Supply Chain

Our supply chain includes IT consultants, out-sourced support services, office cleaning services and recruitment consultants.

We expect our entire supply chain to have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. Our suppliers must demonstrate that they use labour ethically and within the law. Where they cannot demonstrate this standard, we will look to end the business relationship.

The CEO, Katy Howell, is ultimately responsible for compliance in our company departments and for the supplier relationships.

Our Policies & Procedures

We have the following policies and procedures in place to identify modern slavery risks and prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operation:

  • Business ethics: We aim to uphold the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour. We also require our suppliers to do the same in managing their own employees and supply chains.
  • Recruitment: We only use specified, reputable employment agencies to source labour. We always verify the practices of any new agency we use before accepting candidates from them. We ensure that all potential employees have the legal right to work in the UK and that we adhere to all relevant employment legislation.
  • Whistleblowing policy: we encourage all our workers, customers and other business partners to report any concerns they have about our activities and supply chains. This includes anything that may increase the risk of slavery or human trafficking. Our Whistleblowing Policy is designed to make it easy for individuals to make disclosures without fear of reprisal.

Our Due Diligence

We have the following due diligence processes in place to help make sure we are tackling slavery and human trafficking risks in our business and supply chains:

  • We always make written enquiries when considering new suppliers. We also regularly review our existing suppliers’ policies on modern slavery and other areas of their operations.
  • Where possible, we build long-standing relationships with our suppliers, and we make clear our expectations of business behaviour.
  • We regularly review recruitment and payroll systems to ensure our recruitment and employment practices remain legally compliant.

Our Monitoring

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and within our business, we provide regular training to relevant team members within our organisation.

In the last year, we have not received any specific complaints about our suppliers with regards to Modern Slavery and Ethical Sourcing.

However, we continue to regularly liaise with our key suppliers.

Our other actions this year have included extending our mental health support for all team members affected by Coronavirus or furlough and additional awareness.

Plans for Progress

Over the coming year, we intend to:

  • Continue and extend our regular training programme.
  • Develop our Modern Slavery risk assessment processes further to incorporate relevant risk assessments / areas where the business may be potentially exposed.
  • Formalise our collection of relevant information from our supply chain to reinforce due diligence.